That 20 Albums Challenge From Bluesky

Around about a montgh ago, one of the fellow Spurs fans that I follow on Bluesky Steve Shearman reposted the post below with his own first choice for the challenge. It seemed that it might be fun to have a go myself and started that day. Where it all started. As you see, part of this was to make no comment or put them in any kind of order, literally its just a case of using a picture of the album cover to show your choice. I decided I would be as spontanious as possible and try not to think too much about it until the moment that I would make my daily post. That is a lot more difficult in practice than in theory as I tend to overthink even the most simple of decisions. I also thought that when I've finished the twenty days it would be quite theraputic for me to put down my reasons for making the choices I did. This was how it panned out:- DAY ONE DARE - THE HUMAN LEAGUE (Released October 1981) This was a very easy place to start for me. The album that spawned the numbe...